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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Какой сегодня день прекрасный!
Такой морозный и бодрящий.
А, небо синее, как никогда!
Скорей же, друг, поди сюда!

Ты, посмотри, как солнце ярко светит
Как веселится, весь честной народ!
Ведь, правда, друг,
Сегодня праздник - Новый Год!

О! Я не забуду это утро никогда!
Хочу, чтоб каждый его видел! 
Хочу, чтобы людей не трогала беда,
Чтобы никто и мухи не обидел!

Чтобы везде закончилась война,
И чтобы... Постойте, друг мой, не грустите,
Желания сбываются под Новый Год! 
Вы главное - поверьте и несомненно - ждите!

"Время чудес, для сказки дверь свою открой,
Магия укрыла этот вечер пеленой
Открой глаза, взгляни на праздничный салют!
Все желания сбудутся, пока часы двенадцать бьют!".

Thursday, October 1, 2015

"Этот Новый год, ты никогда не забудешь".

То, что произошло со мной в этот Новый год, вы можете посчитать вымыслом, мой дорогой друг, и это ваше право, но будьте так любезны, не очерняйте мое имя, рассказывая ее в пабах своим благоверным дружкам. Если вы принимаете мои условия, я пожалуй начну. 

Это было морозное, но в тоже время солнечное утро. Я вышел на балкон своего дома; легкий морозец окутывал мои мысли и уносил куда-то далеко. Из состояния некой эйфории меня вывел звонок в дверь. Открыв ее, я никого не увидел, но на коврике, возле двери, я увидел меленькую коробочку в подарочной упаковке, на которой была моя фамилия и подпись:
"Этот Новый год, ты никогда не забудешь". Меня это очень удивило, но в то же время насторожило. Мне тут же захотелось узнать, что находится в коробке и кто это прислал, но оказалось это не так то просто. Открыв коробку, я увидел, что там ничего не было, кроме конверта, это был пригласительный на бал. Хорошо, что он был один, потому что мне не с кем было идти, да и планов на этот вечер у меня не было. Я надел свой самый праздничный костюм и воспользовался самым дорогим одеколоном. Ровно в 22.00 у моего дома стояла карета запряженная четырьмя вороными. Она была черного цвета, изнутри ее украшал красный бархат. Я сел в карету и мы отправились в дорогу. 

Дорога была долгая и где бы мы не проезжали я замечал неимоверную суету. Дети-резвились, веселись, пели новогодние песни, украшали дома и елки гирляндами и игрушками.
Взрослые же, забегали и выбегали из магазинных лавок словно сумасшедшие, хватались за голову, если забывали что-то купить и возвращались обратно. В городе было не спокойно в преддверии Нового года. Таким же не спокойным был и я. Когда мы подъехали к месту назначения, я вышел из кареты и был поражен. Я никогда в жизни не видел настолько помпезных строений. Этот шедевр архитектуры сводил меня с ума. В нем было все, что может представить человек с самым незаурядным воображением. Замок был выполнен в готическом стиле, в нем было все: колонны, лепнины, арки от его величия у меня кружилась голова.

В холле собирались гости, мужчины, которых я никогда не видел, они были одеты в дорогие костюмы, дамы в роскошные вечерние платья  и дорогие украшения. Было очень много зеркал, но хрустальная ваза была вне всякой похвалы, Леди и джентльмены подолгу  стояли и рассматривали каждый элемент этого роскошного творения. Когда я перестал слышать звук подъезжающих машин, я понял, что все гости прибыли и что скоро должен появиться хозяин вечера, которого все с нетерпением ждали. Но. увы, он не появился. Я попытался разузнать нескольких людей, кто хозяин этого великолепия и кто нас всех здесь собрал, на что я получал невнятные ответы. Мне это показалось очень подозрительным и я насторожился. Люди веселились и кажется, ничего не замечали. И вот через несколько минут, часы должны были пробить 12.00, как вдруг, резко выключился свет. Вокруг меня будто никого не оказалось и я услышал крики, через несколько секунд послышались выстрелы, я побежал. Я не имел ни единого понятия, куда я бежал и куда попаду, в здании поселилась паника, но я кажется даже не нервничал. Вдруг неожиданно включился свет. картина была ужасающая: вокруг меня меня весь пол был укрыт убитыми гостями, а я стоял ровно в центре зала и не мог поверить своим глазам. Через несколько секунд в здание влетели детективы и штатные полицейские, они одели на меня наручники увели в машину и увезли в участок. Я был осужден на пожизненное заключение, но потом мое дело было пересмотрено и пожизненный приговор был заменен на смертную казнь, через повешение.
Мой дорогой друг, мне больше не к кому обратиться, ты моя единственная надежда на возвращение моему имени, светлую память.
Шерлок, отыщи виновных, помоги мне по старой дружбе или хотя бы потому что, я знаю, что тебя это заинтересовало.

Твой верный друг Доктор Ватсон. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

You Maestro Is My Mark

My Master is you
I hear your echo in the silence
Your music is written 
Across my heart with violence.

The music is dead
The disciple is my faith
The beauty of youth
Have gone to an end.

Your sins are forbidden
The nightmares call you
You go for them willingly
Even if they are hidden.

My torture goes to neverending
My soul is going to the dark
Because your words in me forever
And you Maestro is my Mark.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The guillotine is your foreverplace
And mine is Salem's Town
The shadow, mystery in my head
 Are deeply in me and I drown.

Their faces are white with a mocking smile
Their souls are burning, Mandragora is screaming
The world's death is inevitable coming
My sins will be gone in a while.

I have no faith, I've lost last hope
I've lost my face, I am a clown
With mocking, rotten smile
Now come with me to My Ghost Town.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My boy

Their parents have died
The monster have killed them.
The children are crying
The devil is laughing.

The boy is watching through the world
He is waiting for his parents to wake up
The poet who's writing these lines
Will kill him and flame up.

The Poet: He's head will be severed!
The Boy: No, please! I don't want to die!
Butcher: Shut up, boy!
The Poet: You are the Chosen One, my boy,
So, take you death for granted and enjoy.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The boy is sitting on a cloud
He is looking through the world,
Wich killed his memories and hope
He is sining the neverending song.

About the world wich covered with thik smog
And joy of beauty underneath.
He's gone for good, but misery
Will follow him for all beneath.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

To Ukraine:

Your freedom is illusion
My heart is under spell
You have to make a step
And choose: it's heaven or a hell?

Make sure not to loose your sight
You will stand up in an a fight
But, hold on tight
You will shine bright.

I wish there was another way
The sky was blue, not scary grey
The dreams more clear, so you could see
The truth, that tearing you apart,
That fortune we might be. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

К Дориану Грэю:

Ты тот, чьим домом тьма
Чужая боль не трогала тебя
Душа твоя во мрак стремится
Желаешь убедиться?

Тень сумрака упала в твою душу
Возможно, больше я услышу,
Когда убьешь в себе слепца
И дьяволу отдашься без конца.

Твой голос выдает порок,
твоя душа сгнила
Ведь дьявол это я!

Порою ты не веровал в меня
Ну, что ж, теперь ты можешь убедиться
Поверь своим глазам!
Я знаю, ты ведь хочешь оступиться.

Ты часто монолог со мной ведешь
И я хочу вознаградить твои старанья,
Продай мне душу ты свою
И сразу же закончатся страданья.

А может быть ты хочешь муки?
Извечное страдание души,
Гноения и смрада сердца,
Подумай, только не спеши.

Ты заслуживаешь смерть!
И скоро сердце перестанет биться
Ты не узнаешь боль потерь
Ты все еще желаешь убедиться?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

To Edgar Allan Poe.

My mind is blind
My song is weird
And everything I hear 
Is lines of "Nevermore".

Your stories are the symphony
The symphony of beauty and the beast
Your conscious is forever fighting
With poison and a magic feast.

You are devoted to the world
of darkness in a crystal ball
Take me to your silent lyre
To the side of Lucifer.

The poet died, but heart his beating,
The poet died, but darkness leading.
Leading to the world, leading to the side,
The side of Lucifer who's my guide.

Wake up, wake up the poet
You are the dreamer of this song
You'd come undone, but the forgiveness
Is in the lines of "Nevermore".

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"While You Think that Americans Are Stupid, they Rule the Universe"

  I remember not a long ago, I was asked if I'm a patriot. I've always said I was, but of other country and everyone was like "What?", "What are you taking about?", "What country?". And I've always said: "Of America". 
  It was about a year ago, and the topic wasn't so scandalous. Now, I still consider myself as a patriot of America with everythig it can bring or take.
  Recently, my country was vigorously taken by pro-russian terrorists, which is a bad thing. And America kindly gave us everything she could to help us, which is a good thing. I live on an 'infected' territory and I don't like it. I want to do something with it.
  Our President...I don't know what he is doing, but I'm not impressed. If I were him, I would do everything to take what is mine. I mean, who the hell are those people that they can say such thing about me, they must obey. Ther's always will be someone who will stand up, rise people against something  and will become the next leader. OK, but if you are the President don't you think you need to calm those people down? Tell me if I'm wrong...Not in a dictator way, no one wants a second Hitler on throne....and not in a way, that some people are taking away your territory and there is nothing you can do about it.
  And everytime I think about that I think that my house is in danger and it can be any second that a bomb or something can hit it, but I can justify that because this is my country and now I can tell that I'm a patriot of my country, Ukrane. But, I want to help it another way, and I won't leave it, just tell me where to go...

Monday, May 4, 2015

I Love My Ukraine and USA.

   I'm ready to stand up for my country. I love Ukraine as well as United States of America. Sometimes I can't even explain it properly, it is what it is. I'm ready for everything for these two countries. And it's hard for me to see, these rough times we are going through and not being able to help. I want to help with anything, I know I'm helpful and loyal and exited. I want you to get me to help you, you won't lose anything if I don't. Just give a chance, an opportunity I won't let you down, because it's very important for me, this is what I want to do. I want to be with my country all the way. Just come and get and I will prove it to you.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Jack The Ripper.

England, 1888 year, the streets of Whitechapel were drowned in blood. The whole little town was terrified by the mysterious killer. But neither descent men were harmed nor honorable women. The victims were prostitutes. Yes, we are here to talk about Jack The Ripper. But who is it a man or a woman? From the FBI files we know that this is a man white, from 28 to 36 years old, but why man, because his name is Jack? I don't think someone knew his/her name. Jack was the most popular name, so most likely his name was Jack and we all know The Ripper thing.
  So, lets pretend that he is a male. His childhood, how would you imagine his childhood? His mother, what if she was a prostitute and the little boy was so angry at her that he chose such a revenge. I also suppose that his mother had some kind of a disease, maybe syphilis, I'm probably not the first one to say that, but if you go in-depth into this kind of disease, you'll know what I mean. He had been killing his victims in early mornings, what a man of courage. But who would need a prostitute by day, do you know what I mean? That's where I think that that was a woman, she would call less suspicions than a man. 
   Why would she kill prostitutes? What if she was an incubator of the disease? Maybe her husband slept with prostitutes and transferred syphilis to his wife so than she went for hunt. She'd lost her beaury; she might kill her husband, what else she could do? Women much more cruel than man, besides why the victims weren't sexually assaulted? That's what man would do, to my opinion and prostitutes were the most accessible women that the man could have. So why would he kill them?        The woman on the other hand, mutilated by syphilis could do anything. What if she was cutting out those organs (nose, kidney, vagina) to leave those to herself, because her were destroyed and keep them as a fetish.
   Men are more forgiving, so even if his mother was ill or he was harmed by prostitute, I think he wouldn't kill more than one time, but here we're talking about serial killer who wasn't afraid of anything, cruel, malicious.
   Did he or she have a job? I think so, the killings took place on Friday, Saturday or Sunday as we can see from the report.
   So, maybe that's why police didn't find a man, maybe that was only because it was a woman?

P.S.: Tell me your thoughts.

Friday, March 27, 2015

New MacBook 12-inch. Are you excited? I am excited. The review.

   Every time Apple Inc. gives us a hint, that they are going to present smth. new, we are waiting "this new" like nothing else in the world. There are so many companies in the world, that are trying to compete with Apple, but for nothing. By launching this MacBook they will push back those companies for at least 10 years back. But, is it really that important for them to draw that much attention to the stuff that doesn't really matter.
  But, if you want this guy, don't look at the price, just be prepared for abnormal quality and chic. I mean, why would even take into consideration the price, which approximately will be more than 1,000$.
   The design is outstanding, just look at those lines and forms, such a's so elegant and beautiful.

  I think when Apple were creating this device, they mostly concentrated on the keyboard and Touch trackpad, they've made it a big deal, that's the total gimmick goes, I would you need those? Maybe Aple is showing off, I mean you are Apple why would you need more?
  So, the Keyboard is full-sized, but very slim, and it's down to the "butterfly mechanism"this thing makes the keyboard stable and responsive.
   The Touch Trackpad reinvented as well. Now it is even more sensitive, you are going to get more precision with it, but the cool and fun thing is that you are going to have a feedback from this Touch Trackpad with your fingertips. You also can adjust the level of sensibility of it. Tell me who needs that? Yes, it's smth. new and fresh, but tell me why would you need this?
   The screen is my favorite part. I love good sharp picture, which can blow your mind and we get it in this new device. The screen is 3 million pixels. We also have a 12-inch Retina display which is 0,88 millimiters! Can you imagine that?! The resolution 2304x1440.
  Also we have a new fifth generation Intel Core M "Broadwell" processor, which is going to help MacBook to work longer. But, do you believe that? By far this is the only downside I can see in Apple technology, they can't make the charge to last, I'm sure everyone agrees, but we'll see... By the way the battery life is up to 9 hours of web-browsing.
  Memory: 8Gb on board memory + 256Gb or 512Gb of flesh storage.
  Portability: USB-C for charging, USB 3 data transfer to connect to external devices and peripheral, video output that supports HDMA, VGA and DisplayPort.
   So, really up to you to decide if it is worth your attention and if you are ready to pay for a absolutely reinvented device. 

For more information go to:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My 8 years with Nightwish

  First of all let me point out, that there are so many fans who have been much longer with Nightwish, then I am, which is amazing and there's so many of who've been with them since the very beginnging, which is very impressive and...WOW! But, for me 8 years with this band is pretty impressive too. I've listened hundreds of different groups, but this one is beyond comparison. 
  I've found out about this band through my uncle, my father brought the DVD of  their last gig with Tarja Turunen "From Wishes to Eternity". I loved the music and everything, but I couldn't understand a single word(obviously, I'm a Ukrainian, I was too little to know smth. in English). Also, I was afraid to watch that DVD alone, yeah, probably it was too "dark" for me, but I wanted too, so bad, that I started to "train" myself not to afraid, I know this sounds stupid, but I was about 15 years old and I've never listened to THIS kind of music. 
  After I got used to it, the wars about Anette and Tarja were still going on. I actually was crying when'd found about Tarja's leaving, it didn't change anything, took place. Then I started to blame Tuomas, about failure with Anette, I thought it was a failure, I still do...
  I had about the same fillings about Floor, who I insanely Love right now. I want to wright smth. about each of them, might be long.
  Tarja Turunen - beautiful, gentle, talented. I couldn't imagine the band without her at all. She was like a Goddess to me. Her just...we all know her voice, right? So, no ramble to that. That video, though, when she is crying, while telling about her dismissal...broke my heart.

Annete Olzon - where was Tuomas when they took Anette? I mean, I know he said, that he was not going to take another Tarja, but really? I loved the album "Dark Passion Play" her voice was outstanding, but let's admit that while performing on stage, she couldn't do a half of it... That's where I think Tuo have failed himself and his fans. I was so sorry, about Anette getting all that hatred... it was...she didn't deserve that, so that was too much of an experiment.

Floor Jansen - she is a FIRE! She is like Xena, from "Xena - The Princess Warrior". I can't even express how much I love her, I also think that she is the best thing that have ever happened to this band. I've never heard about her. I didn't like her from the first time, I wont tell the reasons, because they are reidiculous, but now we have a win win situation, at least for me. This album "Endless forms most beautiful" is going to be EPIC! 

Troy Donockley - I love that man, what can I say. He brings Nightwish a bit of an age feeling, in a good way, he completes the band like no one else. He took the place about which no one knew, it's a good sign.

Marco Hietala - the good old mate. He is out of this world. He makes Nightwish Nightwish, you know what I mean? We know, that he took place of Sami Vänskä, but you was deffintely for good, right?

Erno Vuorinen - who doesn't love Emppu? He is such a smile person. He can pull out any sound out of his guitar, always jumping and running all over the stage. Can you imagine, he was 18 years old, when he joined the band?

Jukka Nevalainen- an amazing drummer, there wouldn't be the band without him. He is like a king on a throne, an icing on the cake. It's a shame that he won't be able to be on the tour with the guys, but I hope he will get better soon, so he can join everyone by the next album. And Kai Hahto most welcome to the band.

Tuomas Holopainen - the soul of Nightwish, he is the band. He is the one who made us family, I mean us, fans. I'm really grateful for that, for him, for what he does, it's really emotional for me. He is, the band, that what's important. 

  I've never been on their show before, but I want it so bad, that I can't even express, I hope one day my dream come true and I will come to see my life band, because dreams come true, right? 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Iphone 6, 6+. Does it worth its money?

  Not a long time ago Apple Inc. launched new models of IPhones (to start of). The reviews were very controversial. Especially, when people have found out that the "most prayed" phone bends, but kept buying it (what a devotion). So, today we're going to decide, whether you should buy it or live it for good.
  To begin with buying an Iphone 6 or 6+ is a big investment. But who doesn't want one? Basically, they are the same, they have the same characteristics, except for that Iphone 6 is 6,9 inch and IPhone 6+ 7,1 inch screen. 
  Both of them have Retina display, A8 chip , M8 coprocessor of movement and 64-bit architecture. What I mean is that this phone supposed to be better than the others, it's faster, better holds the charge and takes best pictures.

  It's nice and pretty and I'm sure everyone who doesn't have it raves about it, but who does have it either complains or enjoys. But, why would you complain about smth. that was deeply loved by others? I'm not here to talk about it bending, yes it took place, let's get over it, but still when you buy such an expensive thing you, probably want for it to be perfect. 
  An Iphone 6 16Gb costs about 700$, IPone 6 64Gb costs about 800$ IPhone 6 128 costs about 849$.
  An IPhone 6+ 16GB costs 749$, IPhone 6+  64GB costs 849$, IPhone 6+ 128Gb costs 949$.
Of course, everything depends on where you live, whether you buying it with contract or not. And a tip, before you decide to buy it, choose if you want a big screen or more memory, it's really important as you can see from a price range. You have to sacrifice smth, but if you want everything of the best, no need to sacrifice here. Enjoy what you have.
So, as you can see, there is no particular answer, everything depends on you and your preferences, but it's a total YES from me.
If you want more information read here: 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Paul Ekman, Ph. D.

   Have you ever been in a situation where you don't understand whether the person you are talking to lies or telling the truth? I totally have.
   To be honest it doesn't depend on a situation, it's only depends on a person you are speaking with. If you know the men or a woman you're speaking to and you absolutely certain that that person 100% honest, that doesn't mean that he/she never lies, conceals or avoids the truth. I feel like to see the lies your mind needs to be "cold" not heart or emotions you supposed to react on certain situations, right?
   I'm not a "face expressionist" expert, but I know a good one, his name is Paul Ekman Ph. D. 

Go to his website, I promise you won't be disappointed:  (you can even do some tests to identify emotions). You also should read his books, such as "Telling Lies", it's my favorite one, all of them are based on true stories and examples from world known books, it's easy to read and understand.
  I actually had a situation with one of his "helpers" if I can say so. Basically, I've found out about Mr. Paul Ekman through TV show "Lie To Me" starring Tim Roth as Cal Lightman.

(it's very interesting by the way, you should watch it) and I was so impressed by the idea of "reading people" and I started to look for more information.       After a few days of research I've found the email address, so I wrote...yeah...I feel really ashamed right now. But, still I wrote that I admire him( which is completely true) and I want to work with him...I mean, WHAT??? Who the hell I think I was??? I mean I still want to, won't deny that, but let's be honest, how is that possible? (kind of crashed myself right now). But after that letter I started to get those emails almost everyday, which I'm not complaining about, but it reminds me of my failure. Is that to much of a sad note??? O. K. let's get to my point. What I wanted to say is, that man inspired me to learn more about the whole psychology world, which now I'm really grateful for and his books and all the work he is doing is remarkable and well known all around the world.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


  The one and only Cuba. The island of freedom, passion and love. Havana happened to be the capital as well as the biggest city of this beautiful island.
  Climate is tropical, people are Spanish what else you could wish for? 
  There is so many places for tourists to visit, but everything depends on your preferences.
  • enjoy beaches, so many to choose from, just look at this:

  Isn't gorgeous? Just imagine yourself lying on those...Oh, amazing!
  • go sightseeing:
Plaza de la Catedral:

  Even if you not a religious person, just go inside and enjoy the atmosphere. The building is outstanding, it's historical value is impeccable. Learn to observe, hear and listen.

El Nicho Waterfalls:

So picturesque!

  Take salsa lessons, ask citizen to teach you. That would be cool, right?

  Enjoy the music, it's everywhere. Ask someone to teach you play instrument, sing along, make cigars, yeah, why not?
  Go to street market, enjoy the fruits, which probably were gathered a couple of hours before you came. Don't be afraid!

  And finally, which always happens to be an icing on the cake, feel those vibes from the streets, see those beautiful cars, breathe in the air.

  But, if you feel extra special, ask locals about Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, even if you know everything about them and enjoy the romantic feedback. 
  They have the right to be proud of their background.