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Friday, March 20, 2015

Paul Ekman, Ph. D.

   Have you ever been in a situation where you don't understand whether the person you are talking to lies or telling the truth? I totally have.
   To be honest it doesn't depend on a situation, it's only depends on a person you are speaking with. If you know the men or a woman you're speaking to and you absolutely certain that that person 100% honest, that doesn't mean that he/she never lies, conceals or avoids the truth. I feel like to see the lies your mind needs to be "cold" not heart or emotions you supposed to react on certain situations, right?
   I'm not a "face expressionist" expert, but I know a good one, his name is Paul Ekman Ph. D. 

Go to his website, I promise you won't be disappointed:  (you can even do some tests to identify emotions). You also should read his books, such as "Telling Lies", it's my favorite one, all of them are based on true stories and examples from world known books, it's easy to read and understand.
  I actually had a situation with one of his "helpers" if I can say so. Basically, I've found out about Mr. Paul Ekman through TV show "Lie To Me" starring Tim Roth as Cal Lightman.

(it's very interesting by the way, you should watch it) and I was so impressed by the idea of "reading people" and I started to look for more information.       After a few days of research I've found the email address, so I wrote...yeah...I feel really ashamed right now. But, still I wrote that I admire him( which is completely true) and I want to work with him...I mean, WHAT??? Who the hell I think I was??? I mean I still want to, won't deny that, but let's be honest, how is that possible? (kind of crashed myself right now). But after that letter I started to get those emails almost everyday, which I'm not complaining about, but it reminds me of my failure. Is that to much of a sad note??? O. K. let's get to my point. What I wanted to say is, that man inspired me to learn more about the whole psychology world, which now I'm really grateful for and his books and all the work he is doing is remarkable and well known all around the world.

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