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Thursday, March 19, 2015


  The one and only Cuba. The island of freedom, passion and love. Havana happened to be the capital as well as the biggest city of this beautiful island.
  Climate is tropical, people are Spanish what else you could wish for? 
  There is so many places for tourists to visit, but everything depends on your preferences.
  • enjoy beaches, so many to choose from, just look at this:

  Isn't gorgeous? Just imagine yourself lying on those...Oh, amazing!
  • go sightseeing:
Plaza de la Catedral:

  Even if you not a religious person, just go inside and enjoy the atmosphere. The building is outstanding, it's historical value is impeccable. Learn to observe, hear and listen.

El Nicho Waterfalls:

So picturesque!

  Take salsa lessons, ask citizen to teach you. That would be cool, right?

  Enjoy the music, it's everywhere. Ask someone to teach you play instrument, sing along, make cigars, yeah, why not?
  Go to street market, enjoy the fruits, which probably were gathered a couple of hours before you came. Don't be afraid!

  And finally, which always happens to be an icing on the cake, feel those vibes from the streets, see those beautiful cars, breathe in the air.

  But, if you feel extra special, ask locals about Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, even if you know everything about them and enjoy the romantic feedback. 
  They have the right to be proud of their background.

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