Is this about you?
Because, this is definately about me. I don't understand a lot of thing in this world, like:
- Why do people had made borders and position themselves as a free people? No one is free.
- Why some people have decided that they have more rights, than the others? So we have to make the others our slaves.
- Why ordinary people associate themselves with God (priests). I mean, who the Hell are you to do that, you're just human being, there is nothing saint about you!
- And the most odd one, but as a normal human, I don't understand why government let ordinary people to express their opinion? There is nothing good about that! Just look, at what we have in Ukraine, this is only because people in White House screwed up. And now they have to accept the consequences in the form of Donetsk People's Republic. There we go! I hope they are happy now both in America and Ukraine.
The bottom line is that, I wanna do smth. of a big value. What can I do? Tell me. I would much apreciate it!
I just hate borders, I wish one day I wake up here:
Or here:
Thank you, for your attention!